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PECB ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Exam Exam Practice Test

QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Exam Questions and Answers

Question 1

Noitol is an organisation specialising in the design and production of e-learning training materials for the insurance market. During an ISO 9001 audit

of the development department, the auditor asks the Head of Development about the process used for validation of the final course design. She states that they usually ask customers to validate the product with volunteers. She says that the feedback received often leads to key improvements.

The auditor samples the design records for a recently completed course for the 247 Insurance organisation. Design verification was carried out but there was no validation report. The Head of Development advises that this customer required the product on an urgent basis, so the validation stage

was omitted. When asked, the Head estimates that this occurs about 50% of the time. She confirms that they always ask for feedback and often make changes. There is no record of feedback in the design file for the course.

The auditor raises a nonconformity against ISO 9001. Which one of the following options is the basis for the nonconformity?



8.3.5 - The improvements made to course designs are not documented. Feedback from customers is not always actioned.


8.3.2.c - Design planning does not include design validation. Design verification is part of the planning process.


8.3.4.d - Design validation is not always conducted. It is omitted about half of the time.


8.6 - Course materials are released without proper approval. A course for 247 Insurance was released on an urgent basis.

Question 2

Whistlekleen is a national dry cleaning and laundry company with 50 shops. You are conducting a surveillance audit of the Head Office and are sampling customer complaints. You find that 80% of complaints originate from five shops in the same region. Most of these complaints relate to damage to customer laundry. The Quality Manager tells you that these are the oldest shops in the company. The cleaning equipment needs replacing but the company cannot afford it at the moment. You learn

that the shop managers were told to dismiss most of the claims on the basis of the poor quality of the laundered materials.

On raising the matter with senior management, you are told that there are plans to replace the equipment in these shops over the next five years.

When reviewing the customer complaint file, you find that the organisation is facing a legal dispute with a customer over damage to an expensive cashmere coat.

Select the best option for how this should be handled by the Quality Management System.



Settle the court case by negotiation with the customer.


Report the situation to the customer with suggested remedial action.


Make an offer to replace the coat with a new one.


Give an explanation to the customer of what went wrong.

Question 3

At the end of a second-party audit, the audit team enters the meeting room to hold the closing meeting; only

two people are present and waiting for them: the Health and Safety supervisor and the Administrative Officer.

Neither has participated in the audit. However, the team had previously agreed with the auditee Quality

Manager on two nonconformities identified during the audit (NC1 and NC2).

They said:

Health and Safety Supervisor: "Good evening. We are sorry to inform you that the general manager was

involved in a serious car accident, and the other two managers have had to leave urgently to attend to the


The Administration Officer: "Concerning 'nonconformity 2', the General Manager left a message asking us

to tell you that he does not accept it and requests you not to include it in the audit report. Here is a note in

which he explains why."

Which one of the following would be your preferred answer (as team leader) to the General

Manager's request?



OK. I will get in contact with my company tomorrow to ask for instructions on what to do with

this non-conformity.


OK. Please, let me review the message. I will try to see if I can change the text of the

nonconformity if necessary. Let's take a 10-minute break, as I would like to discuss this issue with

the audit team.


Please tell him that I will phone him in two days and will discuss the issue. Could you please give

me his mobile phone number?


Please tell him that this nonconformity has been previously accepted by the quality manager

during the audit and will stand. I will include it in the report, along with the concern of the

General Manager about it.

Question 4

For a third-party, match the Activity with the Responsibility for conducting it.


Question 5

During a second-party audit, the auditor examines the records that are available for the external provider, ABC Forgings, to whom manufacturing has recently been outsourced.

There are standard external provider checklists for three competitors for the contract and there are inspection records from the trial manufacturing batches produced by ABC Forgings. There is no documented evidence of the criteria used to confirm the appointment of ABC Forgings, and no contract or terms and conditions. Ongoing monitoring indicates that external provider performance is satisfactory, but no documented information has been retained.

Select two options for the evidence which demonstrates a nonconformity with clause 8.4 of ISO 9001.



There was no documentation which provided evidence of any monitoring of the external provider.


The auditee required the outsourced products on an urgent basis before the completion of the paperwork.


The auditee did not retain documentation on the selection and evaluation of the external provider.


The external provider asked for the contract details to be verbal only.


There were no receipt inspection records of the incoming materials.


The auditee trusted the external provider because of a long-standing relationship with them.

Question 6

Select the word that best completes the sentence:


Question 7

Select the phrase that best describes the purpose of a quality management system to ISO 9001 in relation to the performance of an organization.



Manages the performance


Monitors the performance


Dictates the performance


Improves the performance

Question 8

Which two of the following aspects of a quality management system must the organisation continually improve?














Question 9

The following actions need to be carried out during a third-party audit planning stage. Which two actions correspond to the individual(s) managing the audit program before the involvement of the audit team leader’



Prepare the audit plan


Assign responsibilities within the audit team


Prepare the checklists


Provide the resources needed


Review the reports of previous audits


Select the audit team members

Question 10

According to ISO 19011, what two activities take place during the conduct of a audit follow-up?



Verify the effectiveness of the implemented corrective actions


Verify corrections taken to fix the reported non-conformities


Verify legal compliance


Plan the next audit


Determine feasibility of the audit


Assign roles and responsibilities of observers

Question 11

You have been just hired as the Internal Lead Auditor of a large organisation, responsible for internal audits. Your first job is to analyse the answers to nonconformities included in the report of a recent internal audit to Top Management.

The report contained one nonconformity as follows:

There is no evidence of Top Management ensuring the availability of resources to operate the QMS, the establishment of objectives, the promotion of continual improvement, and the promoting of the process approach.

Which four of the following Top Management actions can be considered 'corrections to the nonconformity'?



Top Management appoints a senior manager to oversee the quality manangement system


Top Management completed a course on ISO 9001


All these actions will be reviewed during the Top Management meetings


Improvement action has been promoted


Objectives have been established


Process approach has been communicated to the personnel


Resources have been provided

Question 12

You are carrying out an audit at a single-site organisation seeking certification to ISO 9001 for the first time. The organization manufactures cosmetics for major retailers and the name of the retailer supplied appears on the product packaging. Sales turnover has increased significantly over the past five years.

You are interviewing the new Product Development Manager. You note that a software application called SWIFT is used to help control the product development process.

You have gathered audit evidence as outlined in the table. Match the ISO 9001 clause 8.3 extracts to the audit evidence.


Question 13

You, as auditor, are in dialogue with the quality lead and managing director of a small business that supplies specialist laboratory equipment and furniture.

You: "I'd like to look at how you manage change in the organisation. What changes have you made as a

business, say, over the last 12 months?"

Auditee: "We have made some strategic changes, the main one being that we no longer manufacture our

own products in house."

You: "That sounds like quite a significant change. What has been the impact of that?"

Auditee: "We now mainly sell other manufacturers' products, under their brand names, and have outsourced

manufacture of our own brand products to one of our suppliers. Unfortunately, we had to make six members

of our staff redundant. This represents about 20% of our workforce, so this has been quite a challenging


You: "I'm sure. What were the reasons for making the change?"

Auditee: "Our manufacturing section was a small operation, and we struggled to cope with fluctuations in

demand. During busy periods, we found it hard to meet lead times, and in quiet periods we had staff with

little to do. This was having an impact on customer satisfaction and meant we had to charge premium prices

that made our product uncompetitive."

You: "How did you go about the change?"

The auditor asks to speak to the purchasing manager about the selection of the subcontractor to

manufacture the company's own brand products.

You: "How did you choose a supplier to manufacture your products?"

Auditee: "We have had a long-term relationship with a supplier ABC Ltd - we gave them our design

drawings, got them to complete a supplier questionnaire and run a couple of trial batches for us. We were

happy with the result and we have used them ever since."

ISO 9001:2015, clause 8.4.1 outlines situations when controls need to be applied to externally provided processes, products and services. Which one of the following situations is applicable to this scenario?



Products and services for which the customer(s) supplies materials


A process or part of a process is provided by an external provider as a result of a decision by the organisation.


Products and services are provided directly to the customer(s) by external providers on behalf of the organisation.


Raw materials from external providers are intended for incorporation into the organisation's own products.

Question 14

Which of the following two documents does an auditor need to prepare and complete prior to the on-site audit?



Audit Report


Audit Plan




Checklist / Prompts


Risk Matrices



Question 15

'XYZ' has already sent to you a list with all documented procedures and work instructions related to the services provided to 'ABC' (a quality manual is not included in the list).

To complete the audit planning which additional information would you ask to XYZ to submit? Select four.



XYZ's organisational structure


The quality manual


A description of responsibilities and authorities of the key roles of XYZ


The number of personnel involved in activities related to the quality management system


Information to understand XYZ's operations


The results of XYZ's last internal audit


The results of the last two management reviews

Question 16

Select the two statements that are true.



The audit team leader shall only communicate any concerns to the auditee during the closing meeting.


Inform the general manager if the auditor finds uncontrolled documents.


Where the available audit evidence indicates that the audit objectives are unattainable, the individual(s) managing the audit programme shall be immediately informed.


Changes to the audit scope, which become apparent during the audit, shall be approved with the auditee.


During the audit, the audit team leader shall periodically assess audit progress.


An immediate and significant risk to the audit shall be informed to the auditee and if possible to the certification body.

Question 17

An internal auditor of a manufacturer of polystyrene packaging products for the electronics industry raised a nonconformity against section 10.3 of ISO 9001 in Report IA202. The nonconformity (NC 3) stated:

"The reject rate of the finished product of 9.7% needs improvement as it doesn't meet the stated objective of top management of 5%."

As the third-party auditor reviewing the internal audit process, you come across the nonconformity. For corrective action, the Quality Manager conducted an investigation into the reject rates. He reported that the collection baskets for products ejecting from the moulding machines were not large enough. About 6% of products fell onto the wet and dirty factory floor. Management stated that replacing the baskets was too costly and ordered the Maintenance Manager to ensure that the floor was kept clean and dry to prevent rejects. The auditor later checked the factory floor, which was wet and dirty in places.

From the following nonconformities, select three that the auditor could raise to ISO 9001.



10.3 - The organisation did not continuously improve. Reject rates were unchanged.


7.1.4 - The factory environment is not suitably maintained to prevent dirty products.


7.1.1 - The organisation failed to provide the required resources to prevent nonconforming products.


9.2.2 - Report IA202 contained a poorly worded nonconformity (NC 3).


8.6 - Dirty products were released to the customer.


7.3 - Staff were not aware that products were falling onto the factory floor.


10.2.1 - Conduct of an investigation was not sufficient to understand the cause of the nonconformity.

Question 18

In the context of a second-party audit, match the activity with the party responsible for conducting it.


Question 19

Which of the following three options could be considered potential threats to impartiality in an audit context?












Question 20

Select one of the options that best describes the purpose of conducting a document review:



To establish nonconformity in the documented system with audit criteria and to gather information to compile the audit report.


To confirm the conformity of the system, where documented, with audit criteria and to gather information to support the audit findings.


To reveal whether the documented system is nonconforming with audit criteria and to gather evidence to support the audit report.


To decide about the conformity of the documented system with audit standards and to gather findings to support the audit process.


To detect any nonconformity of the system, if documented, with audit criteria and to identify information to support the audit plan.


To determine the conformity of the system, as far as documented, with audit criteria and to gather information to support the audit activities.

Question 21

Noitol is an organisation specialising in the design and production of e-learning training materials for the insurance market. During an ISO 9001 audit of the development department, the auditor asks the Head of Development about the process used for validation of the final course design. She states that they usually ask customers to validate the product with volunteers. She says that the feedback received often leads to key improvements.

The auditor samples the design records for a recently completed course for the 247 Insurance organisation. Design verification was carried out but there was no validation report. The Head of Development advises that this customer required the product on an urgent basis, so the validation stage was omitted. When asked, the Head estimates that this occurs about 50% of the time. She confirms that they always ask for feedback and often make changes. There is no record of feedback in the design file for the course.

The auditor decides to review the training course design process in more depth.

Select three options that provide a meaningful audit trail for this process.



How are students advised about prior learning requirements?


How is customer feedback integrated into the course?


How is the cost of the course calculated?


What risks and opportunities have been notified to interested parties?


How is design documentation controlled and managed?


How is technical content of courses verified as correct?


How is the tutor trained to deliver the completed course?

Question 22

Which two of the following roles do not contribute to the audit outcomes?



Individual(s) managing the audit programme










Technical expert

Question 23

An audit team leader arrives at a printing organisation to carry out a Stage 2 audit for a certification body. At a meeting with the Quality Manager, she is told that they have won their biggest contract from a computer manufacturer to print and compile computer documentation packages. They have leased the unit next door for space reasons but have never worked in this sector before. The Quality Manager wants the ISO 9001 certificate to cover the new contract.

During the audit, a team member finds that a number of print jobs have been rejected by several clients over a number of months due to spelling errors in the print run. The Print Manager blames the new employees they had to take on because of a big contract. The auditor raises a nonconformance against clause 10.2.1.b of ISO 9001.

Which one of the evidence statements would support this finding?



There was no record that the organisation evaluated the effectiveness of the training given to new employees.


There was no evidence that a check of spelling took place before the release of printing to the client.


The actions taken to deal with customer complaints did not prevent recurrence of the problem.


The organisation did not provide the correct resources to prevent nonconformity.

Question 24

Which one of the following documents addresses audit time calculation for third-party certification audits?



ISO 17021-1


ISO 19011


ISO 9000


ISO 9001

Question 25

An internal auditor of a manufacturer of polystyrene packaging products for the electronics industry raised a nonconformity against

section 10.3 of ISO 9001 in Report IA202. The nonconformity (NC 3) stated:

"The reject rate of 'finished' product of 9.7% needs improvement as it doesn't meet the stated objective of top management of 5%."

Just before the Closing meeting of a third-party audit, the audit team leader is invited to a meeting with the Quality Manager. He tells

the audit team leader that a member of the audit team was seen taking photographs of the factory on his phone during the day and

wants him suspended from the Closing meeting with any nonconformities raised by him rescinded. The issue of photographs was not

discussed during the opening meeting.

Select the three options for how the audit team leader might deal with this situation.



Advise the Quality Manager that he, as audit team leader, needs to speak to the auditor about the situation and he will report back to the Quality Manager once this is done


Advise the Quality Manager that the auditor will be reported to Head Office


Apologise for the situation and ensure the Quality Manager that all photographs will be deleted during the Closing meeting


Delay the Closing meeting until the audit team leader has consulted his audit programme manager at Head Office


Insist that the nonconformities must stand since they have been agreed by the team from other evidence gathered


State that the auditor will take no further part in the audit and all his photographs will be deleted

Question 26

During a third-party audit of a pharmaceutical organisation (CD9000) site of seven COVID-19 testing laboratories in various terminals at

a major international airport, you interview the CD 9000's General Manager (GM), who was accompanied by Jack, the legal compliance

expert. Jack is acting as the guide in the absence of the Technical Manager due to him contracting COVID-19.

You: "What external and internal issues have been identified that could affect CD9000 and its quality management system?"

GM: "Jack guided us on this. We identified issues like probable competition of another laboratory organisation in the airport, legal

requirements on COVID-19 continuously changing, the shortage of competent laboratory analysists, the epidemic declining soon,

shortage of chemicals for the analysis. It was quite a good experience."

You: "Did you document these issues?"

GM: "No. Jack said that ISO 9001 does not require us to document these issues."

You: "How did you determine the risks associated with the issues and did you plan actions to address them?"

GM: "I am not sure. The Technical Manager is responsible for this process. Jack may be able to answer this question in his absence."

Select two options for how you would respond to the General Manager's suggestion:



I would not accept the legal compliance expert answering the question.


I would ask to audit the Technical Manager by phone.


I would delay the audit until the return of the technical manager


I would look for evidence that the actions resulting from the risk assessment had been taken.


I would ask for a different guide instead of the legal compliance expert.


I would ask the consultant to leave the meeting since he is not an employee of the organisation.

Question 27

An internal auditor of a manufacturer of polystyrene packaging products for the electronics industry raised a nonconformity against section 10.3 of ISO 9001 in Report

IA202. The nonconformity (NC 3) stated:

"The reject rate of 'finished' product of 9.7% needs improvement as it doesn't meet the stated objective of top management of 5%."

Just before the Closing meeting of a third-party audit, the audit team leader is invited to a meeting with the Quality Manager. He tells the audit team leader that a

member of the audit team was seen taking photographs of the factory on his phone during the day and wants him suspended from the Closing meeting with any

nonconformities raised by him rescinded. The issue of photographs was not discussed during the opening meeting.

Select the three options for how the audit team leader might deal with this situation.



Insist that the nonconformities must stand since they have been agreed by the team from other evidence gathered


Delay the Closing meeting until the audit team leader has consulted his audit programme manager at Head Office


Advise the Quality Manager that the auditor will be reported to Head Office


State that the auditor will take no further part in the audit and all his photographs will be deleted


Apologise for the situation and ensure the Quality Manager that all photographs will be deleted during the Closing meeting


Advise the Quality Manager that he, as audit team leader, needs to speak to the auditor about the situation and he will report back to the Quality Manager once this is done

Question 28

You are conducting a third-party Stage 1 audit at ABC Ltd, a single-site organisation that manufactures wooden furniture. You interview the Technical Director to learn more about the organisation. The Technical Director explains that they have had a successful year and that obtaining ISO 9001 certification will support the further growth of the business. You ask for an overview of the organisation's structure and its interrelationships with external interested parties.

The Technical Director shows you a document detailing all business processes and interrelationships. You notice in this document that another organisation called Teak Ltd manufactures wooden furniture on behalf of ABC Ltd. The Technical Director confirms this capability has been accounted for in the scope of the quality management system. You learn that the furniture manufactured by Teak Ltd has accounted for 40% of the sales revenue over the previous 12 months.

Which two of the following options best describe how you would plan the audit of the interrelationship with Teak Ltd during the Stage 2 audit at ABC Ltd?



Verify Teak Ltd supply arrangements as described in the ABC Ltd quality management system


Verify if Teak Ltd are certified to ISO 9001


Verify the controls concerning customer property implemented by Teak Ltd


Verify how ABC Ltd evaluates the performance of Teak Ltd


Verify the quality management system at Teak Ltd by conducting an audit at their site


Verify whether the design processes of Teak Ltd comply with ISO 9001

Question 29

Match the process descriptions below to the process names:


Question 30

An audit team leader arrives at a printing company to carry out a Stage 2 audit for a certification body. At a meeting with the Quality Manager, she is told that they have won their biggest contract from a computer manufacturer to print and compile computer documentation packages. The Quality Manager wants the ISO 9001 certificate to cover the new contract.

During the audit, a team member found that some print jobs had been rejected by several clients over some months due to spelling errors in the print run. The Print Manager blames the new employees they had to take on because of a big contract.

The auditor finds that the responsibility for checking spelling errors is placed on the printer that sets up the print run.

In line with the policy of the certification body, the audit team raise improvement opportunities in the audit report. Which

three of the following options would represent acceptable opportunities for improvement in the report?



Operational planning activities may benefit from a clearer risk-based approach.


The organisation needs to delay its certification to gain more experience of the QMS.


The responsibility for checking printing needs to be independent of the operators.


A business consultant can be recommended for advice on improving operations.


A plan to determine why the errors occur and to prevent them.


An intensive training plan that involves all production personnel.


The recruitment process to include spelling tests to filter out unsuitable candidates.

Question 31

The Closing meeting of a second-party audit was planned for 6 pm with the general manager and the quality manager.

At 6 pm, when the audit team enters the meeting room, only the Quality Manager is present and walting for them.

The dialogue among them is as follows:

Auditor team leader: "Good evening, could you please inform the general manager that we are ready to start with the closing meeting?"

Quality manager: "Good evening. I am sorry to inform you that the general manager will not be able to attend the meeting. He will try to

participate virtually to make some closing remarks."

Auditor team leader: "OK. We identified seven nonconformities - these are the reports. Could you please review them and sign them?"

Quality manager: "OK. As you know, I reviewed them after yesterday's meeting and accept of all them, where shall I sign?"

General manager (from speakers in the room and addressing the quality manager): "Hold on! Do not sign the two nonconformities related to ABC

Bank! I have just checked, and we did not provide any services to ABC Bank during September! You can sign the remaining five nonconformities."

How would you proceed with the audit? Select one.



I will discuss this issue with our corporate quality manager and will let you know what we will do


I will include the seven nonconformities in the report, considering that we identified objective evidence on which all these nonconformities are based


I will review this issue at length with the audit team tonight and will phone you tomorrow to let you know our decision


I withdraw the two nonconformities related to service to ABC and will present the report with the remaining five nonconformities

Question 32

TIX provides services to the informatic equipment of large organisations. They operate an ISO 9001:2015 QMS that is being audited by an important

customer (second-party audit). During the audit, the audit team has identified two nonconformities. When preparing the Closing meeting, the audit

team discussed and agreed both nonconformities with TIX's quality manager. The Closing meeting was planned for 6pm with the general manager,

quality manager and service manager at the meeting room.

At 6pm, when the audit team enters the meeting room, only two people are present and waiting for them: the Health and Safety supervisor and the

warehouse supervisor. Neither have participated in the audit.

The dialogue among them is as follows:

Audit team leader: "Good evening, could you please inform the three managers that we are ready to start with the Closing meeting?"

Health and Safety supervisor: "Good evening. We are sorry to inform you that the general manager was involved in a serious car accident, and

the other two managers have had to leave urgently to attend the emergency."

Warehouse supervisor: "They have asked us to listen to what you need to say and to sign whatever we need to sign. We also have a message

from them about the two nonconformities. They wanted us to ask you if you could contact them in a couple of days to determine how to proceed."

Which one of the following options would be your preferred response to the final comment made by the warehouse manager?



Sorry, but we cannot proceed with the Closing meeting. So, we are leaving now, and please tell the quality manager that I will phone him tomorrow early in the morning.


We will hear what you were asked to tell us and will ask you to sign the nonconformity reports as evidence that you have accepted them. Please ask the managers to contact us as soon as the emergency is over to agree on a new date to complete the Closing meeting.


We will hear what you were asked to tell us and will leave copies of the nonconformity reports that have been agreed with the quality manager. Please tell the managers that we will consider this as the Closing meeting and that the individual(s) managing the audit programme will send the full report in five days.


We will hear what you were asked to tell us and will then leave. Please ask the managers to contact us as soon as the emergency is over to agree on a new date to carry out the Closing meeting.

Question 33

During the opening meeting of a third-party audit of a pharmaceutical organisation (CD9000) with seven COVID-19 testing laboratories in various terminals at a major international airport, you are asked if you could

visit all laboratories. As audit team leader you say that, based on sampling criteria, you had planned to audit only three of them as CD9000 is a multisite organisation.

They tell you that they have worked so hard to get ready for the audit that the supervisors of those laboratories that would not be visited would be quite disappointed.

The following are possible responses to the request, select the two best responses:



I could audit the other laboratories virtually at the end of this audit.


I could decide to extend the audit for an extra day.


I could try to revise the audit programme to see if I can audit all laboratories.


Sorry, this is the plan, we cannot change it. However, they could attend the audit as observers.


The programme manager has selected the sample and we must follow it.


We could stay every day for one hour longer to see those supervisors and their laboratories.

Question 34

XYZ Corporation is an organisation that employs 100 people. As the audit team leader, you conduct a certification audit at Stage 1. When reviewing the quality management system (QMS), you find that the objectives have been defined by an external consultant using those of a competitor, but nothing is documented. The Quality Manager complains that this has created a lot of resistance to the QMS, and the Chief Executive is asking questions about how much it will cost.

Which two options describe the circumstances in which you could raise a nonconformity against clause 6.2 of ISO 9001?



The consultant has not interpreted ISO 9001 correctly.


Quality objectives were not established in alignment with the organisation's quality policy.


Quality objectives are not maintained as documented information.


Establishing quality objectives did not include top management.


The organisation cannot afford to undertake quality objectives all at once.


Quality objectives are not being implemented by the organisations' personnel.

Question 35

Select the term which best describes the quality management system process of modifying a non-conforming product to bring it within acceptance criteria.







Corrective action


Preventive action

Question 36

XYZ Corporation is an organisation that employs 100 people. As audit team leader, you are conducting a

certification audit at Stage 1. When reviewing the quality management system (QMS) documentation, you

find that quality objectives have been set for every employee in the organisation except top management.

The Quality Manager complains that this has created a lot of resistance to the QMS, and the Chief Executive

is asking questions about how much it will cost. He asks for your opinion on whether this is the correct

method of setting objectives.

Three months after Stage 1, you return to XYZ Corporation to conduct a Stage 2 certification audit as Audit

Team Leader with one other auditor. You find that the Quality Manager has cancelled the previous quality

objectives for all employees and replaced them with a single objective for himself. This states that "The

Quality Manager will drive multiple improvements in the QMS in the next year". The Quality Manager indicates

that this gives him the authority to issue instructions to department managers when quality improvement is

needed. He says that this approach has the full backing of senior management. He shows you the latest

Quality Improvement Request that was included in the last management review.

After further auditing, the issues below were found. Select three statements that apply to the term 'audit trail'



Decisions on improvement action timescales not involving departmental managers.


Evaluation of the results of the improvement action not always documented by the Quality Manager.


Limited knowledge of the content of Quality Improvement Requests by departmental staff.


Quality improvements not aligning with the quality policy.


The single quality objective set for the organisation by the Quality Manager.


Top management claim not to be aware of the improvement request (QI/12/20/HR-3) initiated by the Quality Manager.

Question 37

Select the term that best describes the purpose of retaining documented information in a quality management system to ISO 9001.



To facilitate auditing for proof of conformity to the standard.


To provide confidence in the effectiveness of the quality management system.


To safeguard the integrity of the quality management system.


To support the operation of the processes of the quality management system.

Question 38

In the context of a third-party audit, match the event with the responsibility for conducting it.
