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Magento Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer Magento Certified Professional Cloud DeveloperExam Exam Practice Test

Magento Certified Professional Cloud DeveloperExam Questions and Answers

Question 1

You are setting up a third-party integration only for the Production environment, which connects to an external RabbitMQ server.

Where do you put the configuration?



In the app/etc/env.php file


In the QUEUE_ConFIGURATION variable added in theproject Web UI or magento-cloud CLI

In the env:QUEUE_CONFIGURATION variable added in the project Web UI or magento Cloud CLI.


In the QUEUE_CONFIGURATION variable in the ,magento, env, yaml file

Question 2

You added the env:ADMIN_PASSWORD variable in the Project Web Ul to change a Magento admin user's password After deployment you are unable to login using the new password

What causes this?



When you add a variable. the build stage is being skipped because the codebase has not been changed You must push a commit to trigger a full deploy


Deploy scripts read configuration from the environment variable calledmagento_cloud_variables. which contains an array of variables which were set without the env: prefix


Variables which are set using the Project Web Ul are not available on the build phase the admin password variable should be

set in the . magento.env. yaml file


The sensitive option is required for env:ADMIN PASSWORDvariable

Question 3

Exploring the Production environment you find mysql_use_slave_connection is enabled What is the purpose of this setting'



To split the database tables between the three Production servers and improve performance


To enable fault tolerance on the MySQL cluster


To utilize the read-only slave servers and improve the overall performance


To allow database backups from a MySQL slave server with minimal impact on the Production site

Question 4

You created a custom module that is not functioning as expected on your Integration environment. You would like to debug the code using Xdebug. XdeDug is missing from the output of the command php -m

What are two ways to load the Xdebug module?

Choose 2 answers



Create a custom php.ini that includes the extension


You log a support request as php modules can only be installed by support


Add xdebug into the . magento. app. yaml file under the extensions section


In thephpserver folder. create a folder conf-dand add a file ext-xdebug.im that Includes the extension

Question 5

You fixed an issue in a third-party extension using a patch named m2-hotfixes/extension-fix.patch Before committing the patch to the repository you want to test it locally

How do you test a patch in a clean working copy?



Commit the patch because the pre-commit hook will abort the commitit any hotfix causes an issue


Run the command git apply m2-hotfixea/extension-fix.patch


Run the command bin/magento setup:hotfix:apply --patch=m2-hctfixes/extension-fix.patch


Configure a deploy hook in .magento.app.yamlthat executes

vendor/bin/ece-tools hotfix:apply —dry-run

Question 6

You built a custom command that runs during the build phase, but it is not generating files property Magento Support provided a patch that you added to the project

What must you do to ensure this command runs after the patch has been applied?



Ensure your customcommand runs after the ece-tools build hooks


Move your custom command to run in the deploy phase


Apply the patch manually in your custom command, because patches are always applied at the end of deployment


Nothing because patches are already applied when any hook runs

Question 7

You want to exclude some themes from static assets generation only for integration environments You are trying to choose where to set the scd_exclude_themes variable in the . magento.env.yamltile or in the Project WeD Ul.

What prevents the usage of the . magento. env.yaml file?



Child environments inherit the variable when you use the . magento. env. yaml file


The code from integration would be merged into the Staging and Production branches


The .magento.env.yama file can contain only deployment configuration options, which are only available it static assets generation runs on the deploy phase


Only variables which are set using the Project Web Ul has the option visible during build

Question 8

A custom module thatadds a new console command for bin/magento has just been built Deploying this to the Production environment on your Pro plan site causes the build phase to fall.

You find this occurs when you inject certain Magento core classes in your console command class The command works on your local environment

Why does this occur?



The injected class logged to the exception log rile, but a different logging implementation is used during deployment


Files were written tothe root Magento directory. whichis read-only on Magento Commerce Cloud


A connection to the database was attempted which Is not available during the build phase


The three webservers generated different content which causes the build to be rolled back for safety

Question 9

You need to get code with a backend order placement security related fix into production as quickly as possible.

The project currently deploys static content during the build phase with both stags/global/SKIP_SCD and stage/deploy/STATIC_STATIC_CONTENT_SYMLINK set to false.

What setting in .magento,env,yaml minimizes the overall deployment time?



Remove all themes from stages/global/SCD_MATRIX so they will not be generated


Set stage/global/Static_CONTENT_SYMLINK to true to symlink static assets to the init directory


Set stage/global/SCD_COMPRESSION_LEVEL to 0 to avoid the compression overhead


Set stage/global/SKIP_SCD to true to completely avoid static content processing